
Diffusion 2017: Revolution

Diffusion 2017: Revolution
© kennardphillipps
Diffusion 2017: Revolution
© Tatiana Vinogradova
Diffusion 2017: Revolution
© Esther Hovers

Diffusion 2017 looks at ‘revolution’ in its widest context, investigating moments of social change, movements around freedom of expression, the pursuit of utopias, human rights and identity. Through the prism of photography and lens-based media, the festival will examine dramatic and wide-reaching changes over the last hundred years to the way we live – technological, political, social and cultural.

Diffusion and Ffotogallery’s Director, David Drake, explains why he chose the theme:

“At a time of immense global change, fear and uncertainty, I felt it was important for Diffusion 2017 to look at cultural and societal change more broadly, to explore new ideas and new ways of doing things, especially those which offer a challenge to the established order. To show how risk and experimentation, collaboration and collective action, how speaking up for what one believes in and acting on it, can bring about positive transformation, be a force for good rather than destructive ends”.