Mohamed Amin, Mo Hassan
Malcolm X in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania © Mohamed Amin
Exhibition Preview: Saturday 5 October, 12 - 2pm
The Changemakers Project, led by HDA and funded by the Welsh Government and Arts Council of Wales, seeks to show the nature of change in the 20th Century. A time of the reshaping of continents after two World Wars that drew on the Empires of the European nations and fed the final collapse of European Empires.
For Wales - a nation of sanctuary - this period of change led to the migration of people from many Empires, coming to live and work here. This exhibition presents the creativity of two artists - renowned Kenyan photojournalist Mohamed Amin and award-winning photographer Mo Hassan.
Mohamed Amin
At the centre of the exhibition is a series of photographs by iconic photographer Mohamed Amin, of the African leaders that lead the march to nationhood and freedom across the African continent from the likes of Jomo Kenyatta, Nelson Mandela, and Hailie Selassie to visitors like Malcolm X, Fidel Castro, Margaret Thatcher, and the late Queen.
Mo Hassan
Welsh Egyptian photographer Mo Hassan has taken portraits of twelve people - six women and six men, with varied heritage, hailing from countries including Zambia, Bangladesh, Somalia and Italy.
Their place in Welsh society demonstrates a welcoming environment but also shows that they and their communities are committed to this nation. Changemakers, enabling others to believe that there are possibilities for them in this Nation.
Opening Hours
Wednesday - Saturday, 10am - 5pm